I remember waking up at midnight and getting the inspiration for the name of my first blog. I had toyed with clever ‘almost 30’ names but this night I woke up abruptly and knew exactly what I’d name my new project. I grabbed my phone and typed it in my notes, so I wouldn't forget in my sleepy haze.
Coffee Keeps Me Grounded.
Perfection. I owned a coffee shop with my husband at the time, and I knew that my love of coffee and the beginning of sharing my (messy) life would match perfectly with that name.
I was 29 with an okay marriage, a 4 year old, a business, and in the stages of rebuilding our home, after a massive wildfire turned it into memories. I was not a true believer. I believed more in the universe than the One who created it. I prayed to God and knew He had some part in my life, but I didn't know Jesus, and I most definitely did not have a relationship with either of them.
I was more interested in checking Instagram, than I was in checking scripture, and I was lost in my thoughts. I had words spinning in my heart and mind, and needed to get them off my chest and put onto “paper”. You see, I always knew I wanted to be a writer. I knew “the universe” had given me the gift of being able to express myself through words, so “I” thought it was a great idea to start a blog.
I look back now and see God’s hand so heavy on my life. Those thoughts weren’t mine! The idea wasn’t mine. The gift was from Him and only Him, and He planted it in me to write because He knew that one day my gift would show His glory. He knew that one day, I would open my eyes, my heart, and my soul to Him, and that this experience of a blog would help me grow. It would break me out of my shell, and it would connect me to the people that needed to read my words, His words. He also knew that blog would connect me to people I needed to meet in my life, and I’m so grateful for His work in a time when I didn't even know Who He was.
So, as I begin again with a change of heart and mind, some new wisdom and old sarcasm, I hope to give you the view of a God-fearing wife and mother, not just the view of a lost 29 year old about to go through the biggest change in her life. Oh man, that Stephanie thought that the wildfire was a big change, she had no idea what God had in store for her!
By the way, that business owning, black coffee drinking, bicep curling and bad joke telling mama is still here. (My jokes are way better though and my muscles a little bigger) She is just filled with more than coffee. The life-giving spirit of my Savior has taken over in the best way possible. And just like I had those “butterflies” back in 2016, I am filled with His presence now as I type this. The excitement is here and I feel God watching me with pride.
He is saying,”Finally my daughter. Finally you are seeing yourself how I see you.”
I feel you Lord.
So I'm entering this new blog with His joy and nudges guiding me ahead. I hope you join me along as I do what I love the most: write, share, and inspire. I know where my gift comes from now. I know Who is feeding me these letters strung together, and I give Him all the glory.
And although I didn't wake up in the middle of the night this time around with a new blog name, I treasure it more. The name is from a Bible study I've been doing on social media for a year and a half. One He has guided along and used to help me grow and connect with like-minded women.
You see, Living Brave is hard. It truly is. It takes courage, strength, and action. It reminds me of Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
That verse is imprinted on my heart. That’s how I have lived in bravery since becoming a believer in 2017 and how I am stepping out and being brave with starting to blog again. With Him, Living Brave is easier and worth the action. I know this is what I’m supposed to be doing. And for that, I couldn't be more grateful.