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Daughter, do you know..

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

My daughter, do you know that you are chosen? That you are a creation from the Ultimate Creator. That your Creator never makes a mistake, never has and never will. And that He did not make a mistake when it came to you.

Do you know that you are beautiful? That your outer appearance is stunning, but the knitted workings of your character, your heart, and your being are what make you extraordinary. That the light inside of you, your actions, and your words will always make you more beautiful than anything that you can wear or look like.

Do you know that everyone was made different and unique on purpose? Just like you were made on purpose and for a purpose, so was everyone else. That their hearts, their words, their appearance, their heritage may be different from yours, but you all came from the same Creator. You are all His masterpieces here on Earth.

Daughter, do you know that one day people will treat you differently because of the tone of your skin? Do you know that their reactions to you may benefit you, and some may crush you, but that you should never allow their viewpoint and standards to lower your own.

Daughter, you will be treated differently because of how you look and because you are a female. Your skin will not be light enough for some or dark enough for others. Some won't take your intelligence seriously and some will only want to talk to you because of your sex. But never, should you ever, allow their actions (good or bad) to determine your worth. Never allow them to lower your identity or become boxed in by their worldly views of who you should be.

Do you know that some people will never be taught to look past the outer shell of their neighbors and taught instead to look at the Spirit within? That they will never know that the same Spirit that rose from the dead, lives in them and inside of you?

Do you know that you are a light? That you can be a shining example to those around you that treat you differently because of how God made you. That you can be a lighthouse and guide them to safety instead. The safety of God's truth and promises.

Daughter, do you know that we should honor and love everyone? No matter their skin color, their hair color, their body size, their handicap, their sex, or their status. That we are all children of the Most High and that He calls us to love others more than ourselves. That there is no commandment greater than that. (Matthew 12:31)

Do you know that we are all covered in Jesus' blood? That He died specifically for you on the cross. And that if anyone wanted to see color on you, they should see red.

Do you know that your mom and dad didn't grow up with this wisdom? That we did not know His truth in the way that we are raising you in. That people's opinions can interfere with God's word and that the world can taint you. Do you see how hard your parents are trying to be good stewards of your morals and teach you love above all else? That honor and respect is due to those you meet. That love crushes hate, and that loving others more than yourself is the ultimate sacrifice. One worth doing over and over again.

Do you know that one day you will be asked to choose? Choose who you are, Whose you are, and what you stand for. And that you should never be afraid to speak His truth, your truth. That the foundation you walk on in your life will always keep you steady and in the right position. That His word will guide you, find you, and help you in every and any aspect in life. That you should use His word for good, for justice, to stand up for what you believe in.

Daughter of ours, know that even your Creator doesn't see your appearance by your outer shell, but by the workings of your heart. And that if there is anywhere you need to run to for wisdom or direction, it should be straight into His arms.

Daughter of His, remember we are all one. One in His love, His creation, His breath. That He calls us, He chose us, and that we are all His first. And that if there was ever someone you want to be more like, it's Him. He is the ultimate example, the ultimate mirror we should be looking into for reference.

I want you to know- we are all humans. We all seek love, connection, justice, joy, and acceptance. And that although we all may look or live differently, we are all the same in His eyes. We are His royal priesthood, His holy nation, His children. And that He is where you get that love, connection, joy, and acceptance.

And if you ever need help remembering any of this and more, we are here to remind you. But most importantly to point you above, to the ultimate Source.

"For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:27-28


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