Living brave looks different on all of us.
And I think your brave is special.
I started Living Brave as a blog to share the writings from my heart. The mixture of God's downloads, family life, motherhood adventures, and my soul's desire to become an author. ​Like any woman, the blog itself has grown and transformed over the years. Motherhood, marriage, business, dreams, and God will change you. ​And the change and transformation given by God and those blessings, are never a bad thing, but we must allow grace + strength to keep us on course. ​My course has lead to this very blog, 13 years of marriage, a 12 year old daughter, a 4 year old son, a Best Selling Children's book series, and an unexpected full-time corporate job.​ That course has led me to be braver than I ever knew possible. And my hope is that this space helps you be brave too. No matter what season you're in or course you are on.​ They say it takes a village, allow me to be part of yours.​
Welcome, brave friend. So glad you're here.​

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
I know the bravery it took to follow God's call in marriage, motherhood, and following your dreams. But know that the desires in your heart and the gifts you have, have been given to you on purpose and for a purpose.
I pray that this is a place where you feel seen, heard, and appreciated. Marriage, motherhood, and business can all be messy at times, but when we look back that mess brings a beautiful message.
I pray this is a place that makes you see your kind of brave. A place where you come when you feel alone, because you'll know that you are not in this journey God has called you too. A place where connection and community is made.
You my friend were made for this: To follow God's callings, to be your husband's better half, and to be your kiddos mama.
You are seen, heard, and worthy.
You are braver than you think.
And as an author, but more importantly as a mama, I hope this space brings you connection + closeness with your kids. That the actionable advice, the tips, and the rawness help guide you to becoming the present mama you want to be.

Our children are brave too..
Sydney's Adventures showcases just that: Bravery
Sydney is celebrating her seventh birthday at a baseball game with her grandparents! She loves all the sights, sounds and sensations of the ballpark as it buzzes with excitement and adventure!
When Sydney needs to use the bathroom after the fourth inning, she decides to brave the trip on her own so her grandma can enjoy the game. She wants to prove just how grown up she really is.
But she soon realizes that her confident attempt has landed her in a sticky situation! After finding herself lost and overwhelmed, she secures the help of two larger-than-life characters who help her navigate back to her seat and teach her how to be adventurous in a whole new way.
Join Sydney on an adventure of a lifetime as she learns what it really means to be brave.
Sydney's Adventures Reviews:
“A heartwarming story with stunning illustrations. As an SF Bay Area resident, I especially loved the connection to one of our favorite cities! This book will be an incredible tool in teaching our children the importance of making safe choices, while still being brave and seeking adventures. Stephanie has done an absolutely wonderful job. I can’t wait to read more of Sydney’s adventures!”
-Caitlyn Wallinger
Bestselling Children’s Book Author + Mom of 2
“This book is a must-have for all families! The illustrations are so fun and colorful, and the story is relatable for anyone with an adventurous and brave child (which is nearly all parents)! I read this to my 3 month old baby and she was so engaged in the pictures and laughed along with them. It is the perfect length for reading to children, and the story moves along just right. With it's bright and modern illustrations, it tells a good ole classic story that all generations can relate to. What a sweet book! I am excited to get the hardcopy in my hands, as well as read it to the rest of my kids!”
-Rachel Padilla
Mom of 7
“Rave reviews from me and my 4th grade class! Everyone liked it. The pictures are interesting with bright colors and familiar scenes (the Golden Gate Bridge), and there’s a good lesson hidden inside— always stay close to your adult, especially when you’re in big crowds.
One of my students asked when the next story will be released... and asked if it can be about a horse ;-)”
-Laura Schneider
4th Grade Teacher + Mom of 3
“I LOVE this book because it teaches a valuable lesson through the eyes of likable Sydney. As a parent and grandparent, I can't count the many times I told my kids and now my grandkids to not leave my side and sight while out in a crowd. Never truly being able to illustrate how easy it was to get lost in a "sea of people". With this book it was very easy. My grandson and I read the book together and he immediately got it! Of course, now he wants me to take him to the ballpark and buy him a hotdog but he promises to not leave my side!”
-Rosalba Navarro-Jindrich
Mom of 4 + Grandma of many
Motherhood Blog

Hey! I'm Stephanie..
An over caffeinated wife and mama in love with Jesus.
I go by Steph and have no middle name. But I’m mostly called babe or mama. I am a Jesus follower, I wake up early to read my Bible, and am a pastor in training at my incredible church.My first (of a series) children's books was published in October 2021, and it became a bestseller on launch day!When I'm not writing or balancing mom life..I love binge watching Netflix, am an Amazon Prime victim, a lover of chocolate, and I used to play poker all the time.I dreamed of being a mother of 4, but God blessed me with two incredible kiddos. A girl that looks just like me and a son that looks just like dad- total God thing.I laugh at my own jokes, rewatch my own Instagram stories, and think I’m way cooler than I really am...Also, I think we should totally be friends!
Want a faith-filled morning routine, friend?
Download my free guide that includes worksheets, checklists, and encouragement to help you know the how to's and why's behind creating a positive and solid routine. It'll help you put God first and create a calmer, more enjoyable day. (Don't we all need more of that?!)
Ps. It doesn't involve waking up at the crack of dawn- you create your own REALISTIC routine with some guidance and help.

Let's Live Brave Together
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